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Get Your Cat to Use a Cat Scratcher

Get Your Cat to Use a Cat Scratcher
Cats scratch for a variety of reasons, but there are some things you can do to make them scratch in a better manner. One way is to get them to use a cat scratcher. Not only will a cat scratcher keep their nails in good condition, but it will also provide a more enjoyable experience for the feline.
Cats scratch to stretch and feel good. They also scratch to mark their territory. They have special glands on their head, face, and paws that allow them to do these things. However, if they aren't able to get the exercise that they need, they will begin to scratch other objects. If you don't want your furniture and carpets to become the new scratching grounds, you should put in some effort to get your cat to use a cat scratcher.
The most common type of scratching post is the vertical model. They have a long, wide base, which allows the cat to stretch upwards. There are also horizontal versions, which can be useful for kittens and senior cats. These can be purchased with different types of scratching material, such as sisal or jute. They can also have dangling toys attached to them to attract the attention of your kitty.
It's not hard to find a cat scratcher, but you should be careful about the quality of the item you purchase. A reputable brand will have well-constructed products that will last for years. Buying a scratcher that is made from poor-quality materials will be a waste of money. For instance, you may have to replace a sisal scratcher after a couple of months. It's also important to keep a close eye on your cat's health, as scratches can cause infections. If your cat has sensitive skin, it may be best to avoid any item that isn't made from 100% natural materials.
As with any product, you should try to find the most durable and effective type of cat scratcher you can afford. While you are at it, look for a freestanding or wall-mounted model. These scratchers are easier to clean and are great for multiple cats. They offer a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. If you're looking for a cat scratcher with an aesthetic touch, look for a curved post that offers a few customization options.
Another good reason to use a cat scratcher is that they are a great way to encourage your feline to interact with other animals. While some cats may prefer to simply lounge around on the scratcher, others may enjoy using it as a seating area. Some of the larger models even double as a playhouse!
It's not always easy to convince a cat to scratch something other than a piece of paper or furniture. If you really want to encourage your feline to scratch, you'll need to be patient and show them that it's fun to use a cat scratcher. They will eventually get the hang of it.
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