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What are the materials of rodents toys

The material selection of Rodents Toys is crucial because it directly affects the safety and health of pets and the durability of the toys.
Natural wood materials:
Hardness and Safety: Natural wood materials, such as oak, fruit wood, etc., are common choices in Rodents Toys. These woods are usually moderately hard enough for rodents to chew without causing damage to their teeth. In addition, natural wood materials are naturally non-toxic and safer for pets.
Chewing and Grinding: Rodents' teeth are constantly growing, so they require regular chewing to grind them down. Wood-based Rodents Toys cater to this instinct and promote your pet’s oral health.
Rubber and plastic materials:
Durability: Some Rodents Toys come in materials like rubber and plastic, which are generally highly durable and able to withstand your pet's chewing and play. The softness of the rubber material also helps provide a different chewing experience.
Easy to Clean: Rubber and plastic are relatively easy to clean, which is very important in maintaining the hygiene of Rodents Toys. Clean toys help prevent bacterial growth and keep pets healthy.
metallic material:
Durability and Stability: The structure of some toys may include metal parts, such as steel wire or aluminum alloy. These metal materials generally have high durability and stability and can support complex designs such as maze structures or hanging toys.
Anti-corrosion treatment: In order to prevent metal materials from being corroded by moisture or rodent urine, some Rodents Toys may undergo anti-corrosion treatment to ensure that they do not cause safety problems during use.
Fabric and fiber materials:
Comfort: Some toys may contain fabric or fiber materials to provide a soft and comfortable experience for pets. This material is often used in mattresses, tunnels and other Rodents Toys to provide pets with a comfortable place to rest.
Washability: At the same time, Rodents Toys made of fabric and fiber materials usually have washable properties to facilitate regular cleaning and hygiene by the owners.

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