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Home / News / Industry News / What impact do cats’ behavioral characteristics have on the design of cat toys

What impact do cats’ behavioral characteristics have on the design of cat toys

Cat behavioral characteristics have a profound impact on the design of cat toys. Understanding these characteristics can help design toys that are more attractive to cats and enhance their interactivity and entertainment.
Hunting Instinct: Cats are born hunters and have a strong hunting instinct. Therefore, when designing cat toys, you can simulate the appearance, movement and size of small animals to stimulate the cat's desire to hunt. Such a design can attract the cat's attention and stimulate its chasing, attacking and capturing behaviors.
Scratching needs: Cats naturally love to scratch, which helps them exercise their claws and mark their territory. Therefore, when designing, consider adding scratching boards, cellulose materials, or textured surfaces to attract cats to satisfy their scratching instincts with toys while reducing wear and tear on the furniture.
Exploration and Curiosity: Cats are very curious and love to explore their surroundings. When designing, you can consider adding hidden elements, openable structures or reward systems to stimulate cats' curiosity and allow them to interact more actively with toys.
Exercise and Activity: Cats are active animals and require regular exercise to stay healthy. When designing, you can consider some elements that can encourage cats to run, jump and bounce, such as spheres, laser points or spring structures to meet the cat’s movement needs.
Sociability: Although cats are relatively independent animals, they also need socialization and interaction. When designing, you can consider some multi-cat interactive toys, or some toys that involve the owner together, to promote close relationships between cats and people and other cats.
Sensory stimulation: Cats are very sensitive to vision, hearing and smell. Therefore, when designing, you can consider adding luminous elements, sound-producing devices, or features that emit attractive smells to provide comprehensive sensory stimulation and make the toys more attractive.
Safety and controllability: Cats may show extreme excitement and impulsivity during play, so the toy needs to be designed to ensure a solid structure and harmless materials. In addition, considering that cats may be overly excited about toys, some elements that can control the intensity of stimulation can be added to the design to ensure safety during play.

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