Rodents Toys Wholesale

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Rodents Toys Manufacturers

About This Classification:

A variety of natural materials give small animals more options to chew and play with. Interact with them with toys and get into their world.
Our small animal toys are made of 100% natural materials, including apple wood, natural wood, pine cones, rattan seagrass, corn leaf and more, with excellent sturdiness and durability as well as excellent safety, full of sunshine and natural flavors.And can let your pets get rid of the boredom of daily life, keep them active and prevent depression, these toys provide the perfect opportunity for small rodents to play and exercise.Besides, toys can promoting digestion & help grind teeth - No longer have to worry about pet digestion and inflammation caused by overgrown teeth.

Ningbo Sentian Pet Supplies Co., Ltd.

About Us

Ningbo Sentian Pet Supplies Co., Ltd. is professional China Rodents Toys Manufacturers and Rodents Toys factory, has been engaged in the pet industry for more than 20 years, which is a manufacturer with rich experience in product development and sales, specializing in the production and sales of cat trees, cat furniture, cat toys, small animal toys, bird toys and other pet supplies. Sentian Pet focuses on natural materials, and our products are widely made from solid wood, sisal, seaweed, corn leaves and other environmental materials, which are highly praised by customers and consumers. Sentian Pet also emphasizes innovation, and now we have more than 100 design patents and utility patents, ranking among the best in the industry.
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  • What are the functional design features of carpet cat furniture

    Carpet cat furniture, furniture designed for cats, one of the keys to its success lies in its comfort design. As pet furniture, comfort is the most basic need, and carpet cat furniture fully considers the comfort of cats in terms of material selection, mats and mattresses, size and shape. In terms of material selection, carpet cat furniture uses soft and comfortable carpet materials to provide cats with a comfortable touch and rest environment. This material not only has a soft texture, but also has good thermal insulation properties, allowing cats to enjoy a warm resting space in winter. Mats and mattresses are resting areas on carpet cat furniture. They usually use soft materials to provide cats with a comfortable sleeping and resting space. This material has good elasticity and can effectively reduce the pressure on the cat's body, allowing them to curl up comfortably and enjoy a peaceful sleep. Size and shape are also important considerations for the comfort design of carpet cat furniture. The size and behavior habits of cats determine that the size and shape of furniture must meet their needs. The size of carpet cat furniture is usually spacious, allowing cats to stretch their bodies freely, while also having enough space for them to curl up and rest. The shapes of furniture are also varied. Some are flat, providing a comfortable resting space; some are three-dimensional, allowing cats to climb and jump, satisfying their natural entertainment needs. In addition to comfort, the entertainment design of carpet cat furniture is also an important factor in its success. Cats like to play by nature, and carpet cat furniture provides a wealth of entertainment activities to meet their needs. Climbing frames and platforms are the most basic entertainment elements in carpet cat furniture. They are usually set on the upper layer of furniture, allowing cats to climb, jump and observe the environment, satisfying their love for heights. At the same time, these climbing frames and platforms can also play a role in exercising cats and improving their balance ability. Interactive toys are also a common design on carpet cat furniture. These toys can be attached to furniture, such as hanging toys, ropes, etc., to stimulate cats' curiosity and desire to play. Cats can play on furniture, and at the same time, they can interact with furniture through toys to increase their activity. Hiding space is also an important entertainment element in carpet cat furniture. These hidden spaces can provide cats with a private refuge, making them feel safe and relaxed. This design also conforms to the cat's nature of hiding, allowing them to enjoy their own private space. The scratching area is another important design in carpet cat furniture. Cats' scratching is an important part of their care and a natural behavior habit. The scratching area in carpet cat furniture can not only meet the cat's care needs, but also allow them to enjoy the fun of scratching, while also protecting the quality of the furniture.

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  • Structural design features of carpet cat furniture

    As an innovative product that combines home decoration with pet comfort, the structural design features of carpet cat furniture have become one of the keys to its success.The base design is an important part of carpet cat furniture, and its stability and comfort are crucial to the safety and comfort of cats. The base design uses solid materials such as solid wood or high-strength plastic to ensure the stability of carpet cat furniture. The size and shape of the base should provide sufficient stability to prevent the furniture from tilting or tipping over when the cat is using it. In addition, the anti-skid pad attached to the base can increase the stability of carpet cat furniture and ensure the safety of cats.The climbing frame is another important part of carpet cat furniture, which meets the needs of cats who like to climb and jump in nature. The design of the climbing frame takes into account the size and movement habits of cats, and the height and angle selection can provide sufficient climbing space and comfort. The climbing frame is made of solid wood or metal to ensure its stability and durability. In addition, the climbing frame is covered with carpet material to provide a comfortable climbing surface and a clawing area that cats like.Carpet cat furniture usually includes multiple rest areas to provide cats with comfortable rest and sleeping space. Rest areas are designed with cats’ preferences and behaviors in mind, such as providing soft cushions or mattresses, and shelter for warmth and security. The size and shape of rest areas can be adjusted to meet the needs of different cats based on the size and number of cats.Scratching areas are another important component of carpet cat furniture that meets cats’ health and behavioral needs. Scratching areas are designed to attract cats’ attention and provide enough space and surface for them to scratch. Scratching areas are usually made of durable materials, such as ropes or natural fibers, to provide enough scratching surface. In addition, the location of the scratching area is easy for cats to find and is interconnected with other parts of the carpet cat furniture, increasing cats’ interest and engagement.

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  • The positive impact of cat paw pads on cat health

    Cat paw pads are a product designed specifically for cats, and their appearance solves many problems for cat owners. Cat paw pads not only provide a comfortable resting place for cats, but also promote the health and happiness of cats.Cat paw pads can help cats trim their claws. Cats' claws will continue to grow, and if they are not trimmed in time, they will become too long and uncomfortable. Long claws will not only cause discomfort to the cats themselves, but may also cause the claws to get stuck in objects, and even hurt themselves or other items in the home. The surface of cat paw pads is usually made of wear-resistant materials. When cats step on them, they can naturally and gently sharpen their claws, helping them maintain the appropriate claw length and avoid the above problems.Cat paw pads can promote cat exercise. Cats are very active animals, and they need proper exercise to maintain physical health and psychological balance. Cat paw pads are usually designed with various shapes and structures to attract cats' attention and encourage them to climb, step on and stretch their bodies on them. This exercise not only helps cats exercise their muscles and joints, but also consumes their physical strength and energy, reducing the possibility of damaging furniture and other inappropriate behaviors.Cat paw pads can also provide a comfortable resting place for cats. Cats usually like to rest in soft and warm places. The surface of cat paw pads is usually covered with comfortable materials such as flannel or fluff, which can provide a comfortable resting place for cats. In this comfortable place, cats can relax and enjoy a quiet rest time, which helps relieve stress and anxiety and promote their sense of well-being.Cat paw pads can also stimulate cats' senses. There are many sensitive nerve endings on cats' paws. When they step on cat paw pads, these nerve endings can be stimulated, enhancing their sensory experience. In addition, cat paw pads often come with some movable toys or decorations, which can attract cats' attention, stimulate their hunting instincts, and improve their intelligence and cognitive abilities.

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  • Things to note when choosing cat scratch mat materials

    As cat lovers, we all know that cats are animals that like to scratch very much. In order to meet the scratching needs of cats, we will prepare a Cat Scratch Mat for them. However, do you know? The choice of material directly affects the cat's use experience, scratching effect and durability of the product. First of all, the material of the Cat Scratch Mat should have sufficient durability and scratching strength to meet the daily scratching needs of cats. In this regard, we recommend choosing high-quality materials such as sisal, recycled fiber and natural rubber. Sisal fiber is tough and wear-resistant, and is one of the ideal materials for making cat scratching boards; recycled fiber is environmentally friendly and economical, and also has good durability; natural rubber has good elasticity and wear resistance, and can provide a comfortable scratching experience. Secondly, environmental protection and safety are also important factors to consider when choosing the material of the Cat Scratch Mat. High-quality materials should be natural, pollution-free, free of harmful substances, and harmless to the health of cats. At the same time, the surface treatment of the material should also meet relevant standards and contain no irritating odors or chemical components to avoid adverse effects on the cat's respiratory system. Therefore, we recommend choosing environmentally certified materials to ensure the health and safety of cats. In addition to durability and environmental protection, the material of Cat Scratch Mat should also have good comfort and scratching experience. Cats' claws need to have enough friction when scratching to simulate the feeling of natural scratching. Therefore, the surface of the material should have a certain degree of roughness to provide sufficient scratching force. At the same time, the feel of the material should also be comfortable, so that cats feel happy and relaxed when scratching. Therefore, we recommend choosing materials with soft texture and comfortable feel so that cats can enjoy the fun of scratching. Finally, considering that Cat Scratch Mat is easily stained with stains and hair in daily use, the choice of material should also consider its easy cleaning. Easy-to-clean materials can reduce the time and difficulty of cleaning work and keep the cat scratching board hygienic and beautiful. Generally speaking, waterproof or easy-to-clean materials are more suitable for making Cat Scratch Mat. These materials usually have waterproof properties or special surface treatments, which can easily remove stains and hair and keep the cat scratching board clean. Therefore, we recommend choosing easy-to-clean materials to provide cats with a clean and comfortable scratching environment.

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Industry knowledge development about Small Animal Toys

Rodents are fascinating creatures that have captured the hearts of pet owners worldwide. From the playful antics of hamsters to the inquisitive nature of rats, these small mammals make delightful companions. As responsible pet owners, it is essential to provide our rodent friends with a stimulating and enriching environment to ensure their physical and mental well-being. One vital aspect of this is providing them with appropriate toys designed to engage their curious minds, encourage physical activity, and promote a sense of exploration.

The Importance of Rodent Toys

Enhancing Physical Exercise:
Rodents, being naturally active creatures, require regular exercise to maintain their physical health. Providing them with toys specifically designed for physical activity allows them to engage in natural behaviors such as climbing, running, and jumping. This not only helps them burn off excess energy but also prevents obesity and associated health issues.
Mental Stimulation and Enrichment:
Rodents are highly intelligent animals that thrive on mental stimulation. Toys provide them with opportunities to explore, problem-solve, and engage in interactive play. Such mental stimulation helps prevent boredom, reduces stress, and encourages the development of cognitive abilities. Additionally, toys can mimic natural foraging behaviors, promoting mental engagement and satisfaction.

Types of Rodent Toys

Chew Toys:
Rodents have constantly growing teeth, and chewing is essential to keep their teeth in check. Chew toys made of safe, non-toxic materials like wood, seagrass, or woven hay can provide a healthy outlet for their chewing instincts while simultaneously offering mental stimulation.
Climbing Toys:
Many rodents are skilled climbers, and providing them with climbing toys, such as ladders, platforms, or tunnels, can mimic their natural habitat and provide an opportunity for exercise. These toys encourage exploration, improve coordination, and allow them to engage in vertical activities.
Hideouts and Tunnels:
Rodents appreciate having a cozy space to retreat to when they feel the need for privacy or security. Hideouts and tunnels made of materials like wood or safe plastics offer them a sense of shelter, giving them a place to relax and feel secure.
Interactive and Puzzle Toys:
Interactive toys challenge rodents mentally and physically. Puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, or toys that require problem-solving encourage rodents to use their natural instincts and intelligence. These toys keep them engaged and entertained, providing hours of mental stimulation and fun.
Exercise Wheels:
Exercise wheels are popular toys for many rodents, such as hamsters and gerbils. They provide an outlet for their natural instinct to run and offer a great source of exercise. It's important to choose wheels that are appropriately sized, safe, and have a solid running surface to prevent injury.

Benefits of Rodent Toys

Physical Health and Well-being:
Rodent toys promote physical exercise, helping to keep our furry friends fit and active. Regular exercise reduces the risk of obesity, cardiovascular problems, and muscle atrophy. Additionally, physical activity stimulates digestion, enhances circulation, and contributes to overall well-being.
Mental Stimulation and Behavioral Development:
Rodent toys play a crucial role in mental enrichment, preventing boredom and its associated negative effects. Regular access to stimulating toys fosters cognitive development, improves problem-solving skills, and enhances memory retention. It also helps prevent unwanted behaviors like excessive chewing or aggression that may arise due to boredom or frustration.
Bonding and Interaction:
Toys can also serve as a tool for bonding and interaction between pet owners and their rodents. Interactive play sessions with toys help build trust, strengthen the human-animal bond, and provide opportunities for socialization.

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